Saint Francis DeSales High School Long Term Substitute - English Instructor Start Date: April 1, 2025 until the end of the school year Catholic Preferred but Not Required
Saint Francis DeSales High School, located in Columbus, Ohio, is seeking a highly energetic and faith-filled educator to serve as a Maternity Leave English Instructor with a start date of April 1, 2025 and continuing through the end of the school year. Saint Francis DeSales High School is part of the Catholic Diocese of Columbus and has an enrollment of nearly 900 students across grades nin through twelve. The mission of Saint Francis DeSales High School is to provide a holistic educational experience in the Catholic tradition which prepares the mind, body, and spirit of each student to love God, seek truth, and live virtuously.
Desired candidates for this position will work closely with students and faculty alike to support our school's Catholic mission of educating the entire person. Candidates will promote and demonstrate high standards and values for student performance and will be tireless in their pursuit of addressing individual student needs. The individual taking over this position will be teaching Freshman English.
All interested candidates should send their letter and resume to Vice Principal of Academics, Mr. Jim Jones at [email protected]. Please visit our school website at for more information regarding our Academic as well as Co-Curricular Programs.Diocese of Columbus Substitute Teachers Part Time Catholic Preferred but Not Required
The Diocese of Columbus is seeking substitute teachers for our 50 Catholic elementary and secondary schools.
Please contact Carrie Ramsay at [email protected] for more information.