Dr. Adam Dufault, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Seth Burkholder, CPA
Assistant Superintendent for Operations
Sr. John Paul Maher, O.P.
Assistant Superintendent for Catholic Culture
Dr. Holly Peterson, Ed.D.
Assistant Superintendent for Academics
Sr. Andrea Andrzejewska, O.P.
Project Manager and Executive Assistant
Leigh Jahahn
Emmaus Road Scholarship (SGO) Development Assistant
Mary Kettinger
Associate Director for Government Affairs
OCS is Hiring!
Associate Director for Teaching and Learning
Carrie Ramsay
Associate Director for Personnel and Licensure
Dr. Therese Recinella, D.Min
Associate Director for School Religious Education
Theresa Vivona
Associate Director for Advancement
Lee Distelzweig
School Safety and Security Advisor
Lori Dulin
Early Childhood Education Advisor
Michele Faehnle
School Nursing Advisor
Do you want to give your child an education with superior academics and endless opportunities for their future, or to teach them character, conviction, morals, compassion, and how to be a good leader? What if you could give them both?
Welcome to Our Catholic Schools.
Our Catholic Schools offer parents and students across the Diocese a daily opportunity to encounter Christ. Through our 39 elementary schools and 11 secondary schools, there is a school that is right for you and your family. With exceptional academics, service, and a protective environment, our students learn what it means to be a child of God.
"A good school provides a rounded education for the whole person. And a good Catholic school, over and above this, should help all its students to become saints."
- Pope Benedict XVI
Catholic schools reflect the importance of integrating the Catholic faith with the educational process; therefore, the Church sponsors and supports schools as the major vehicle for pursuing its ministry of teaching, handed to us by Jesus in the Great Commission (Mt. 28:19-20).
In order for the Church to carry out the goals of this ministry, the Catholic bishops of the United States have established principles which serve as the foundation from which Catholic education flows and which our schools are committed to pursue:
Though Catholic theology recognizes parents as being primarily responsible for the education of their children, achievement of these principles is shared and collaboratively pursued by faculty members, the parish, and the Diocese.
The hallmarks of Catholic schooling are Catholic identity and Catholic culture. A thriving Catholic culture takes time and intentionality. A culture that exists with people and processes that adhere to the Gospel message, provide time for worship, and is based on service is what makes Catholic schools different. It is being intentional about this difference that helps to form students into disciples and builders of the Kingdom here on earth - the goal of Catholic education.
The Catholic schools of the Diocese of Columbus are also committed to creating and maintaining an academic climate which provides students the best opportunity to become productive, contributing citizens of their world. Equally important, the schools are sensitive to the uniqueness of each student and foster the giftedness of the individual.
The Diocese of Columbus provides the Office of Catholic Schools to support its ministry of education.
We are called to serve the Catholic community in the shared ministry of education, through mission, academic excellence, leadership, governance, financial viability, and advocacy, to form disciples who live fully the message of Jesus Christ.
To assist leaders in the development of Christ-centered faith communities
in our schools within a Catholic culture.
To work with schools to steward financial resources and maintain efficiency with
school expenditures, and also to monitor the compliance with government regulations.
"Catholic education aims not only to communicate facts but also to transmit a coherent, comprehensive vision of life, in the conviction that the truths contained in that vision liberate students in the most profound meaning of human freedom."
- Pope St. John Paul II