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The Office of Catholic Schools (OCS) in the Diocese of Columbus is uniquely positioned in Ohio’s capital city. With offices located a stone’s throw from the Statehouse, where legislators make daily decisions that impact Our Catholic Schools, the OCS has the responsibility to advocate on behalf of the schools, students and families they serve. Important issues that our elected officials debate during each legislative cycle include but are not limited to:
Religious Liberty
School Choice
Alternative Testing
Student Safety
Other Regulations
It is imperative that the collective voice of Our Catholic Schools is heard when important decisions are made that affect our school communities. That is why we are building the Office of Catholic Schools Legislative Action Network (OCSLAN). This network encompasses both stakeholders and constituents in our schools. Designated school community leaders, called Legislative Action Leaders (LALs), are actively involved in helping to build the network within their own school community, while also coordinating and engaging in legislative activity at the state level.
OCS Legislative Action Leaders
One or two people from each School Advisory Board (or equivalent) may be chosen to serve as Legislative Action Leaders for their school community. Leaders should:
Actively engage with their school network and constituents
Commit to attending training sessions and OCSLAN meetings
Stay connected to the OCS Government Affairs Director, who oversees the Leaders
Disseminate information responsibly to school officials, parents, parishioners, and community members
Provide updates and reports to parent organizations, advisory boards, and parish councils
Write letters to elected officials
Participate in Statehouse visits and host legislator school visits
Help build up a network of parents and interested parties in their community to assist in local legislative action, such as making phone calls to elected officials
Build a positive relationship with local legislators
Keep informed of pending legislation that would benefit Catholic education
Refrain from endorsing or supporting candidates or issues contrary to the Church’s teachings
Legislative Action Leaders are point persons in their school(s). They receive all information from OCS Government Affairs Director (Mary Kettinger) to disseminate throughout their school community via email and other means.
The Flow of Information through the OCSLAN:
Superintendent ¾Catholic Conference of Ohio | OCS Associate Director for Government Affairs | Legislative Action Leaders | Legislative Action Network (Parents, Parishioners, Community Members)
Role of the OCS Associate Director for Government Affairs
The Director for Government Affairs has the role of working closely with the OCSLAN, directing the Legislative Action Leaders, and providing the following to OCSLAN Leaders:
Supporting Legislative Action Leaders in their efforts
Providing training, informational sessions, and answer questions
Providing information and updates on legislation (including a newsletter or legislative update)
Providing letter templates
Coordinating Statehouse visits and meetings
Assisting in scheduling school legislative tours and visits
Steering the direction of legislative action for dissemination to local school networks