There are several opportunities to donate to tuition assistance. Click on the links below for more information.
Donors across the Diocese of Columbus have been generous in contributing to tuition assistance funds. These funds are dispersed each year to families in need - taking into account the amount of available funds, the number of families applying for aid and the individual need of those families.
Families interested in applying must:
-Apply online through FACTS. Before doing this, you will need to contact the diocesan school at which you intend to register your child. That school will provide information to you as to whether they are a FACTS "contracted" school or "participating" school, as this will determine the unique application link through which you will apply for assistance. The application deadline is March 15.
-Be registered at a diocesan school(s) by March 15.
-Complete the ENTIRE FACTS on-line process, including application fee, forms and submission of supporting documentation. The application process will be held up if any of these is incomplete.
The Diocese will notify schools of diocesan tuition assistance awards in May. Families will not receive individual notifications of awards and should contact the school regarding their award status, which is based solely on FINANCIAL NEED. The diocesan decision is final. If you do not receive aid from the Diocese, your local Parish/School may have aid to award.
If a family chooses not to accept the award, it is returned to the Diocese for further distribution.
Many parishes, elementary and high schools have local tuition assistance applications and processes for awarding funds. Some require FACTS application and others have a separate process, including different forms and requirements. Interested families should contact their school office for more information.